Welcome to e-Procure Blockchain B2B Platform System Updates Page

Hello 👋  e-Procure Users 

This page will be about e-Procure system updates to navigate it better and to understand each post, kindly follow below guideline👇 

Lets go and explain each label:

Fix if you found any post with this label it means that its for fixing an error or glitch in the system

Announcment if you found any post with this label it means that its for announcements we make about e-Procure

Update if you found any post with this label it means that its for a new update in the system releasing new features

Buyer Workspace if you found any post with this label it means that the post is related to buyer workspace account users on e-Procure

Supplier Workspace  if you found any post with this label it means that the post is related to supplier workspace account users on e-Procure

Expert Workspace if you found any post with this label it means that the post is related to expert workspace account users on e-Procure


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